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Our Research Labs…
Home sweet home in Seattle. Not ours, really, but one our families. It is where we test our products and application techniques in a home environment. Not big, not fancy, but lots of wood in one of the wettest, rainiest climates in the United States. And yes, there are below ground rooms and the necessary dank basement. Anyone in the rot prevention business needs a dank basement.

Yes, our other laboratory is a boat. It was built in Canada in 1889 and is the Rot Doctor’s and his wife’s home. Every product we sell has been tested extensively on this old girl. We have tried most other major marine and home resins and fillers and found none to be the equal of what we sell.
There is no environment harsher on wood than being nailed, screwed and bolted into a large boat and then dropped into the water to survive. In the marine market the amount of material and techniques available to preserve this wood is substantial, and in some areas of use controversial. In the home industry less information is available, because standing wisdom says it’s easier just to replace the wood. Easier maybe in some cases, but not always. If you can saturate the bad wood area with epoxy and restore original strength, then why rip out the wood?
The team at The Rot Doctor has decades of experience with repairing and restoring bad wood and knows what works and what won’t. Houses and boats are different in construction and the application of structural loads. We know that. We are not contractors. If you have questions about how rot or bad wood problems might affect the overall structural integrity of your house, we suggest you contact a contractor or home architect. If you have questions about the applicability of our products to bad wood or a specific repair, call or e-mail us and we’ll give you an opinion. We do not want to sell you a product that will not do the job that you want done.